Thursday, April 25, 2013

V is for...

Voices Carry...'Til Tuesday, 1985.

Angsty 80's songs, from the soundtrack of my life, is my theme for the A-Z challenge this year.

First things first, I originally thought the words to this song were "Hush hush, keep it down now, this is scary." I am not sure how long it took me to connect the very title of the song with the actual words. (Note: I do still find something scary about it.)

It was clear to me that the guy in question was similar to what I was seeing in some teenage boys. Her choice to put up with his nonsense echoed what many girls were doing. 
Oh there must be something he's thinking of
To tear him away
When I tell him that I'm falling in love
Why does he say
Hush, hush

This may very well have been the essence of some relationships when I was in high school...
He wants me
But only for a good time
He wants me
If he can keep me in line

The angst in her voice as she sang...
He said shut up, he said shut up
She sounded so fed up, and I remember wanting to cheer for her when I watched the video.


  1. Great selection! A Boston band that I remember well :) Song was powerful.

  2. Love it!

    Shhh, keep it down now, Andrea. :)

  3. Amy Mann actually is a great singer. I think she did a song with Rush in the 90s, but I haven't heard anything about her since then. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  4. I like this song. But I had no idea what they were singing about or what some of the actual lyrics were. Earlier last year I heard it on the radio and for some blog post mentioned it for how wrong I was on the lyrics.

    And I didn't get the connection of the title to the lyrics either, until then. (so don't feel bad) Of course then I had to go look up the video and all. So then I found out what it's really about.

  5. Wow, I don't remember this one at all. I think that was around the time, that I started to get into heavy metal and stopped listening to everything else for a while. :)

  6. And I just saw her in something. Aimee Mann. What the heck was it? I think she was on The Daily Show for like 2 minutes last week.

    Too funny.


  7. Ok, rather embarrassing, but I didn't pay much attention to the lyrics...all I can remember is hush hush voices carry. I did love the haunting quality of her voice, and the overall quality of the song's "feeling"...and it brings back most of your series has ;-)
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  8. I remember feeling deeply disturbed by the relationship portrayed in this tune when I was a teen. The video added to those feelings, for sure. Haunting, for an 80s new wave tune, eh? :-)
    Some Dark Romantic

  9. Where were you when I needed this song???

  10. Oooh! I was just belting this out yesterday when I heard it on Pandora!
