...businesss! Maybe lay off the good stuff until the proofreading is complete!
Where have I been? Oh, you know, just out looking for a place to keep my pancakes and waffles.

Let's have a think on this one...so this is what you drink your melted snowman friend out of? What kind of monster are you!
She doesn't know...
...He's trying to make his point...
...While the rest of his friends mock him! At the risk of also being mocked, do you see what I see here?
And here?...the "best bra"?!?! And only $19.99?! But of course it's for men!
I've been trying to get my act together, while my hobbies collide! I am trying to read 52 books in 52 weeks in 2022 (I've fallen behind, currently struggling with number 35), attempting to write more (I think we see how that is going, while I still contemplate Nanowrimo next month) and working on some crocheting (dish cloths - I am strictly at dish cloth level). You can probably see how these three things just get in each other's way! I cannot bring myself to try this stitch...
...from a little booklet from 2004...doesn't seem anywhere near old enough for that!
Take it easy out there folks...
...and don't use more force than necessary with toilet paper!I hope these dancing ivy stick figures, in fall colors no less, bring you joy!