Tuesday, May 7, 2024

What would it take…

...to bring me back? Well, I really thought it was going to be the elementary school friend who reached out to me on facebook to share a poem I wrote her in sixth grade (don't worry, the critical elements of that tale are saved in drafts). The day I mailed the last tuition payment for daughter...
...and even took the photo to show you? She's graduating next Friday with her doctorate in physical therapy! (I'll save a proper amount of gushing fr when it's official with photos.) Or another failed shopping trip...
...that certainly made me long for needing to wear this?
But alas, I could not just...
...nor could I kiss it goodbye.
(Are you okay with me telling you that somebody left these for a grieving family at work this past weekend? You shouldn't be! The color? The shape? The horror!)

I thought it might have been the post-it note I left on the desk in the kitchen where it could float into my line of sight as a gentle reminder...
...at the time I was either very amused or rather distressed that I had just caught myself mid-pep talk realizing I was not making sense, as ships don't have wheels. I do not even know which phrase I failed to turn there. I do recall feeling that the shit was indeed far too scattered to collect, but cannot say for sure which show in particular it had escaped from. Did I file my nails instead? Probably not as that task constantly eludes me.

I've been here through ups, downs, randomness, abc shenanigans, capes and mannequins. So what did it take to bring me back to this space after four months? This...
...this right here from my dumb daily mental health walk. Theories? Wrong answers only, please!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

No place like this home

As it often happens when there are long between times in my visits here, I had a little story to share, but realized it would be a tough stand alone plucked out of a context you may not all be privy to. Then I thought about all of the times I fully intended to provide the backdrop, even going so far as to jot some notes in my phone. (And here we thought my phone was strictly a storage component for fascinating photographic evidence of the oddities I see out in the world.) So here's the scoop, this is where I work now...

...Truth be told, I don't actually work in this specific space. This is called the "showroom", and quite frankly, in the over eighteen months I have been working at the funeral home, I still can't get past that terminology and something about the new car vibes it evokes. Anyhow, I am a funeral assistant/greeter/water getter/mint refiller/tissue hander outer (the list goes on). I really and truly love the job. It is sort of amusing when I reflect back on registering for classes as a junior in college and nearly broke out in a rash at the mere thought of possibly having to sign up for a psych elective on grief and dying in the event that I was shut out of anything else that would fit my schedule. Decades go by and life changes us on some levels I guess.

How did I end up finding this opportunity you may wonder, as the path from working at a nursery school to a nursing home to a funeral home may not be an often traveled one? I'll try to give the short version of that story...When I went to help plan Jeff's arrangements after he passed, the funeral director was a friend from high school I hadn't seen since graduation. We caught up a little bit and eventually talked about the possibiity of me being able to join the staff as a greeter. There were some fits and starts in making progress toward that end, and then the pandemic hit. I'd given up hope on getting the opportunity, but when I called the funeral home to let them know Marlene's time was nearing, my friend told me they were actully ready to hire. I guess that explains the bare bones logistics of how this came to be. In terms of what made me think I was mentally prepared to try this? I knew I was not eager to watch someone slip away again; however, perhaps there was a place for me in the aftermath where I could help pick up at least some small piece.

I signed some paperwork and crossed my fingers that I would be able to ease into things. In my head that meant that hopefully the first several services I'd work would be for folks who had led long and wonderful lives. Make no mistake, I was not in denial about the inevitable sadness, but thought maybe there was a hierarchy of sorts to work through. I quickly saw the role as finding some small way to make the worst of days for someone just a bit less awful, or at least not worse. There were some learning curves of course. The first of which was being comfortable only having water or mints to offer. I wanted to bake and comfort these people with warm chocolate chips! I could not fix the sadness, but could try to ease some of the discomfort. A lot of people are simply uncomfortable walking into a funeral home, and a smile and general directions for where to go help ease some of those nerves. I am extremely lucky to work with funeral directors who are amazing at what they do, and set the bar high for the level of service we provide.

As far as keeping myself together? Here is what I now know about my relationship with the families we serve and a message I hope to convery to them somehow...
  • If you are going to bring bagpipes, I am going to cry.
  • If you are going to have uniformed firefighters doing a "last call", I am going to cry.
  • Several other scenarios will also bring me to tears, not because I am thinking about my own losses in this life, but because I have been given the honor to peek into the window of your loved one's life and am truly saddened and sorry for your loss.
  • I will stand with you in your grief or I will stand nearby and hold a box of tissues. 
  • If you need to ask for a minute, do so, If you want to share a story, do so. If you want to laugh, do so.
  • This is your time and your grief. I can be there to partake in it, or simply be a witness to it, or can leave the room for you to experience it privately.

None of this has caused me to step outside my comfort zone (granted I have questioned lately whether I actually have an true comfort zone). No, that didn't happen until I had/got to drive the hearse.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Hey friend!

Happy New Year! I hope you are well! I'm feeling a little awkward and shy just showing up back here after so long. The more time that went by, the more exciting, or at the very least interesting, I thought my return had to be. It is certainly not out of the ordinary for me to put unnecessary pressure on myself, but that doesn't mean it makes sense.
In lieu of the daunting task of making resolutions that I stand to crumple under the weight of, maybe this is the year I will just relax! With that spirit in mind, I decided I could treat this foray back into this space with the easy breeziness of seeing an old friend. (Yeah, I admit that there have been many times I have indeed stressed over seeing an old friend.) Maybe this can just be like when you see an old chum and the banter just starts while the time simply falls away. Let's start right in and try it with some things I've been saving on my phone to share with you.

No one was physically harmed in this off season trip into the changing room...
...but morale was low upon exiting as all items were surrendered to the attendant. These didn't even get taken off the rack...
...as those seem like a series of words that do not get better when strung together. In other puzzling items up for sale, we have these ladies...
...who are putting their best feet forward!? Let's keep shopping!
Why the name?
Why? Here's something I had not previously considered...
...hm! I guess I ought to learn how to put makeup on...
...and look for a bra to fit this perfume?
Again, why?
I sure will! Although that almost looks like fun! This on the other hand...
...is certainly beyond any hairstyle I've attempted. I don't know why, but that contraption is giving me gyn office vibes. And now a trip to the little girls' room in Canada...
...where their lady symbol seems very fit and their other restroom offerings...
...are maybe a little too on the nose!

Gotta hand it to Ottawa, Canada though, for having among other fabulous things, an incredbile Bills bar to watch a game at...
...and of course, some very necessary groceries... 
...(excuse the regular old barbecue chips that I erroneously grabbed instead of the ketchup ones!)

In other news, we got my husband one of those video bird feeders.
He (my huband that is) is doing well, aside from batting his most frequent visitor.

Let's get together again soon, shall we?!