Friday, April 5, 2013

E is for...

Endless Summer Nights...Richard Marx, 1987.

Angsty 80's songs, from the soundtrack of my life, is my theme for the A-Z challenge this year.

Setting: LeMoyne College girls' dorm, third floor, fall of 1988.

Summer had indeed come and left without a warning. We were starting our sophomore year, fresh from tearful good-byes to our boyfriends. As if we couldn't muster up enough sorrow on our own, the hairspray goddess I shared that glorified closet with for the semester brought her newly acquired copy of Richard Marx's album.

Oh, how could a grown man have possibly penned such perfect lyrics to tug at the heart strings of co-eds suffering from long distance romance? Well, at least the chorus seemed spot on, and that was when we sang the loudest anyway. I didn't have much love for any of the other songs on that cassette (Wilma Flintstone here). Actually, the only purpose, at that time, of entertaining such lyrics as "time was all we had until the day we said good-bye" was to induce crying. More tissues, please.


  1. wow....I haven't heard that song in ages....thanks for the post - now I have to go find that song on youtube! :)

  2. Our dorm room whine (and wine) fests usually ended in E for Elton John - Don't Let The Sun Go Down on Me

  3. Nostalgia, nostalgia. :)

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  4. That song reminds me of when I worked at an amusement park the summer between my freshman and sophomore year of college. (Which was well before 1988, trust me.) I fell in love with and then got engaged to a weight guesser, who is now a multi-millionaire. But he has been married 3 times and I have had my sweet DL for 30!

  5. No, no, no! I can't handle it. Richard Marx. I think he was my second crush.... right after I found out Barry Manilow was gay.
    I'm going to listen to this to get poor Richard out of my head:

  6. Sometimes you need a good crying jag. It cleanses. - Barbara
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  7. Love these posts!

  8. Long distance dating really sucks. The Engineer and I spent a LONG time doing that...don't remember this song at all...

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. He did have really good hair, mullet-ish, but good!

  11. Patience is needed in huge amounts for along distance realtionships to work

  12. Oh I love that line, "Summer had indeed come and left without a warning". So poetic. :)

  13. Heh...I just downloaded "Don't Mean Nothing", and here you are posting about another Richard Marx song! It's like we are one brain...

  14. Richard Marx. I was into him in jr. high. Even saw him in concert with a friend. It was probably one of the first few concerts I went to.

  15. I used to love Richard Marx, the soft rock god - still play Hazard from time to time and Children of the Night and Right Here Waiting, oh and Angelia :)

  16. Don't go slammin' my Richard Marx. The man was a GENIUS. Right up there with Michael Bolton if you ask me.

  17. Seriously. And the video? With the piano playing, and longing looks, and was there wind? I feel like there was wind blowing white sheets and such. It WAS the 80's afterall. So angsty. I remember watching the video over and over because it was #1 for a while (followed closely by Milli Vanilli's Girl You Know It's True and Skid Row's I Remember You . . . I don't know how I remember all that).
