This picture pretty much captures what has been responsible for keeping this blog running.
No, this was not quite this level of running we typically operated at, despite what one of us may have wanted you to believe
But when we did put our heads, or whatever, together, we came up with some things.
One of us knew the best ways to look sad
Which might have been related to the zero m&m's that were shared with him
I guess it is time to get to the point. Fozzie's heart condition seemed to be taking on some new symptoms recently, but nothing that was really taking away the essence of Foz being Foz. I called last week to schedule a vet appointment for us to check in to see if it was time to tweak anything. The appointment was scheduled for yesterday morning. Over the weekend Foz stopped eating, which meant no medicine either. No chicken, no ground beef, no eggs, no pumpkin. Water and sleep were his only interests. His eyes had changed-the vet noticed too. There were other indications that he was in distress (of course, in true Foz style they were not the three big symptoms I have been watching for). It was time...
I told him I would let you all know, and that wings would be the last costume he'd have to wear.
Run free sweet Foz