Friday, November 11, 2016


Oh, hey...hi there.
Why the long face? Hmm...I have my suspicions. This wouldn't happen to have anything to do with what happened Tuesday? Maybe it isn't really as bad as you think. You did only hear her side of the story, but I know how you humans tend to stick together, with your opposable thumbs and voice capabilities. Did you even know that she moved that chair I like to sit on? That's right. It is at least six feet across the room from where it used to be. I know that doesn't sound far, but my legs are short.


  1. Your dog looks like I felt when I woke up Wednesday morning.

  2. Looks like Foz has caught the malaise the rest of us have. It's been an exhausting year.

  3. Foz! Don't be sad! Your mama will move your chair back where it belongs. Be happy, little dude! Santa's watching!

  4. They really can put on the pathetic faces, can't they??

