Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Not quite prepared, but almost ready

I could pretend that my husband did not give me enough advance notice that he needed a date for a business dinner. However, that would force me to admit that I cannot grasp the concept of an annual event. No guarantee can be made that I would have used the additional preparation time wisely by bettering my posture or honing a new skill. The last time I felt like I had any sense of how to apply makeup was in the mid-eighties. That is not to say that my heavily black-lined eyelids, purple frost eye shadow and other brush strokes of completely unnatural colors looked fabulous, but my excuse was merely being a teenager. I never received any follow-up memos regarding what a presentable and stylish application of makeup entailed.
I assembled some supplies it seemed one needed to prepare for an evening of socializing with adults. My newly purchased dress was taken out of the rumpled ball I had left laying in the shopping bag, yet there was not a wrinkle to be seen. I was in love. As I glanced in the bathroom mirror, I was thankful for the color my sunburn had faded to, as I decided that the foundation bottle, with its ever-present threat of poorly blended lines, would not be necessary. I was slightly disappointed that my hair looked to be on wash twenty-six of a “washes out in twenty-eight washes” hair color cycle. The loose ponytail seemed like a possible hairstyle option to help combat any ill effects of the humidity in our area. However, on my head, with my beautician skills, that would have translated into just plain messy and deemed my mane a complete failure. I was, after all, trying to give the illusion that some effort had been made.

The mere fact that the dress required no ironing boosted its ratings and it was not terribly ill fitting. Suffice to say, I had spent thirty dollars on my new threads and I looked like about thirty bucks. I grabbed some lovely jewelry to accessorize, or at least use as a distraction. I have been known to let the success of my outfit rest on one spectacular bracelet. My standard black flats looked new and ready to go, just like in 2005 when I bought them. I made a mental note to consider the possibility that shoe styles have changed. The condition of my legs provided a much-needed distraction from the footwear. Perhaps I was going to need to get that beige cover-up after all to blend away some of the bruises and veins. Not enough time, nor product, was available for that project.

My husband came upstairs to share the bathroom mirror as he got himself ready to go. I was in the midst of pretending to concentrate very heavily on my mascara wand artistry. I felt myself tensing up at his complete disregard for the masterpiece I was nearly finished creating. Considering I had been upstairs barely twenty minutes, I realized my expectations were a little misguided.

Reality whispered a little something in my ear, as I headed downstairs to leave. The room full of people I did not know was not waiting to audition me, nor was my husband of nearly eighteen years. I smiled and reminded myself that there is only one place I should not be taken, and that is too seriously.

I am excited to be trying something new this week, and am dipping my toe in the Yeah Write challenge pool. Click the badge below to read some amazing entries.


  1. I'm so glad you joined up at Yeah Write this week because now I've read your stuff. Hilarious!!!
    I loved this line: "...trying to give the illusion that some effort had been made."

    Thanks for the great smiles! And welcome to Yeah Write. (I'm mostly new there too but have met some fantastic bloggers already.)

    Your final photo... You look fabulous darling!

  2. Welcome to Yeah Write Andrea! My first thought was wow...she can at least wear a sleevless and that dress really doesn't wrinkle! Funny post! Z~

    1. I usually have a fantastic t-shirt tan by this point in the summer, so I got lucky!

  3. Stop! Your face will freeze like that! ;P

    Your dress is cute.....I like it!

    Did you have fun on your date?

    1. I have worse faces I could get stuck with!

  4. You look mah-velous! So skinny, too. I admit to a little envy as I thought about how much fun you would be having while in your fancy duds. Is that bad? I haven't been out on a dinner date in forever!

    1. Well I was surrounded by people I didn't know, just like a restaurant, but I didn't get to order off a menu if that makes you feel better! ;)

  5. Any dress that doesn't rumple after being left on the floor in the bag is a keeper. You are obviously an amazing shopper.

    1. Would you believe the purchase was made on a five minute fly through TJMAXX with 16 year old son in tow,? You can imagine the patience!

  6. I too would be in love with a rumple-less dress that requires no ironing. Hope you had fun on your "grown-up" outing! :)

    1. I feel like I need to go look for more wrinkle free clothes! Even my tshirts are a fright, and I refuse to iron them!

  7. Great post! The last line is perfect. I'm so glad I found your blog via "yeah write." I'm a newbie too, these challenges are so fun!

  8. Cute dress... No ironing... I'll take one in every color :) Welcome to Yeah Write

    1. Thank you! I have to go read what that fabric blend was!

  9. I'm a guy so I never give any thought to what I look like. Kellie selects all my clothes anyway so I just throw on what ever is handy. Even then I frequently do something wrong and she makes me change.

    1. Please don't say you are guilty of the navy blue with black!

  10. Love the dress or any garment that does not require ironing!

    1. I usually iron far more wrinkles into something than what I started with.

  11. I love this line: I was slightly disappointed that my hair looked to be on wash twenty-six of a “washes out in twenty-eight washes” hair color cycle.
    So funny!

  12. Welcome to Yeah Write! I applaud you for actually buying make-up for the event. I don't think I would have bothered.
    From a fellow owner of 8-year-old shoes.

    1. Oh no, none of those "supplies" were new...just the dress! ;)

  13. Great photo, and I like the line" that there is only one place that I should not be taken, and that is not too seriously."

    1. There probably are a few other places I should not be taken, but that one is a definite!

  14. You look so cute!! And I was counting on you to teach me how to apply make-up!

    1. Nooooooo...we have to find another hair and makeup tutor! Wait, you can do hair, right?

  15. i think all a great outfit needs is personality, and it looks like you've got it. hope you had fun!

  16. I absolutely LOVED the picture you included in the end. I kept wondering what that dress looked like so it was great to be able to see it in the end, haha.

    I especially loved the very last line: "I smiled and reminded myself that there is only one place I should not be taken, and that is too seriously." What a great piece of advice for anyone really. Most the time, the only thing that gets in our way is ourself because we take ourselves too seriously. Sometimes we just need to take a deep breath and step forward. Hope you had a great night at your husbands event!

    1. Thank you! It's that deep breath that is vital! :)

  17. Wrinkle-free dresses are the best! Looks like you rocked that outfit!

  18. Seriously, every single dress should be wrinkle free. I think you look great!

  19. I refuse to buy it if I have to iron it. Seriously. There's no time in my world for ironing. And my hair? Always wash-n-wear. Glad loose waves are in because I've got four kids, which means no time to straighten my hair. I have the feeling that loose waves will always be in for me...

    Welcome to Yeah Write!

  20. Hi! I'm new to yeah write too. It's nice to *meet* you. What a great post and I love your photo!

  21. Great last line! I've taken to buying all materials that are not wrinkled when they come out of the bag. Just like IASoupMama! Great minds! The last time I ironed was to iron letters on a shirt for roller derby. :) Glad you linked in with Yeah Write--great to "meet" you!

  22. Girl, ROCK IT!!! I just wish I had an event to get all gussyed up for!!! My hubs works for himself, from home, CEO and VIce, chairs and board so if we're going to get dressed up beyond our home attire and paint the town, a miracle will have had to happen!

    You look hottie Mc Hot and I hope your Hubs appreciated!

  23. I loved this post so much. Fabulous.

    And one of the best things about you is that you never take yourself too seriously! You are an awesome chica, my friend. Rock on with your bad self! ;)
