...who 'dis? I had to rename this post from "Out with the old" because apparently I had good intentions of ringing out 2022 with a blog post when I loaded all of these photos into a draft, and then promptly forgot I had done so?
...as if three months haven't gone by. On the contrary, I am nothing if not extremely chalant! Even Santa pleaded with me to tell him why...
...those hands need answers.
I hate to waste a decent photo dump, so I will just take this opportunity to give a little glimpse into what I was doing for the final quarter of 2022...
...and also like...
...wrote that! Attemped this...
...and got that! But she got this...
...so how about that?! Crafted like this...
...and painted like that! Smelled things like this...
...and regretted that! Puzzled this...
Santa has tiny hands just like Donald Trump! It's nice to see you.