Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Writing Wednesday

Apparently the art of alliteration in snappy titles has been lost on me. The other thing I am completely adrift on is the current role public libraries serve to provide. I went to the library to try to work on some writing today, since it's Wednesday and all. My house is plenty quiet in a literal sense, but figuratively, there are a lot of voices ranging from dust bunnies to half finished craft projects screaming for my attention. Off in seek of solace and quiet, to the library I went! I suppose it should be noted that the last time I embarked on one of these productivity in scribing attempts at the library, I did encounter some chattiness, but nothing to deter me from believing libraries could still be the sanctuaries of my youth where I was shushed on countless occasions.

My first mistake was not grabbing one of these chairs...

...instead I opted for one of the chairs with the swivel tables to put my notebook on...

...that happened to be so very close to shelves of books.
I had not considered what it was like to be a dog, until I saw that the opportunity to find out was closer than I realized! Fear not though, as this distraction was quickly forgotten, and then replaced by the crying toddler who had fallen during storytime. He recovered quickly, able to run a few laps around the main room. No worries though as the more than full volume conversation taking pace at the circulation desk in that photo helped me forget about all of the other shiny objects. I was fully invested in the call on speakerphone one row over. I was dangerously close to turn into a fist pumping "get off my lawn" type of character demanding more library-like behavior.
And then came the Cabin Porn. Followed by the joke told in two rounds to various librarians who proved to be disappointing audiences. The guy claimed he'd been working hard on his joke since Monday, looking so forward to the opportunity to share it.
Granted, the joke has been on Reddit for five years, but who'd know? Certainly not somebody armed with paper, pencil and literary dreams! Maybe I needed to be better organized, declutter my mind...
...or just go home and succumb to what may await me there...

...but I was surely not expecting this trail of Pringles my husband left on his way upstairs with his lunch to make sure he could find his way back down.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

New year...

...who 'dis? I had to rename this post from "Out with the old" because apparently I had good intentions of ringing out 2022 with a blog post when I loaded all of these photos into a draft, and then promptly forgot I  had done so?
I mean the date on the draft was December 27, so I was cutting it kind of close, and also had a rather short attention span. I know better than to think I can walk type in here all nonchalant... if three months haven't gone by. On the contrary, I am nothing if not extremely chalant! Even Santa pleaded with me to tell him why...
...those hands need answers.

I hate to waste a decent photo dump, so I will just take this opportunity to give a little glimpse into what I was doing for the final quarter of 2022...
...and also like...
...but I'll try! Been there... that! Sat there...
...wrote that! Attemped this...
...and got that! But she got this... how about that?! Crafted like this...
...and painted like that! Smelled things like this...
...and regretted that! Puzzled this...

...laughed at that!

I guess now I'll go back to where I was...waiting for the snow to come back!

Despite being dismayed at what happened to the American Girl store displays, my scene obviously lacks some styling, and her purple highlghts > my gray ones.