Friday, December 4, 2015


You think you have followers? I have followers! Look at them all.
In dog people that's like 21! Four of their legs may be short, but mine are even shorter, hurry up people!

I may not look like a very big dog, but there is plenty of me to share. This is a good thing since my loyal four year old friend's two year old sister decided she likes me too. Well, I shouldn't say she made a final decision because her screaming and laughing and wanting to be near me and wanting me to go away were a little confusing. She fed me some of my bag of Cheerios, until she decided to feed them to herself instead. I was invited to sit in the wagon too.
Mostly I just liked taking them for a walk.


  1. You look good in the wagon. Do you drive a car? Franklin does.


  2. What a wonderful dog, to be so helpful to those less fortunate in the leg department!


  3. I liked the arrows for their help in organizing your notes.
