I received this sign the other day while I was clipping coupons (you know, coupons that I never intend to actually use, but a very good exercise to keep my scissor skills up to par)...a sign that everything is going to be okay...
Monkey production is back with TuTu Cute, indeed! Just when I thought all of the creepy monkey opportunities had passed me by, just when I thought such collectibles were well past my price range. She is fully poseable! I can have a 365-day guarantee. This gives me ample time to spend quality time, take numerous photos (perhaps our family Christmas shot, as suggested by my daughter) before deeming her too fancy for our home. If she gets to be too much of a handful, (or more likely, I am unable to be a functional member of society due to my obsession with the adorableness of it all) I can just send her back.
Do you see that sneak peek in the bottom left corner? DO YOU SEE IT?! I cannot stand the suspense of not knowing just how many of these touched by awesome creatures are in the collection. Is TuTu just a gateway monkey, sold at a reasonable price, to get me hooked? I know it says each on is only $29.95, but what if there are 100 of them?! (Seriously, what if there are even ten?)
**Please note: Anybody who happens to be new to my blog, please see here for my past simian findings. Also, please note that I do not wish to own any of them, (but see what I do own here).
Stop by Stacy's and bring her some snow, if you have any to spare!