Monday, April 9, 2012

H is for Help

Hershey hangovers hardly helpful...having hours to hide after hosting holidays here. Harmless jellybeans haunting me. Ham having a hootenanny in the fridge where it's holding the lime bars hostage. Half-eaten cookies playing havoc with me. High fructose hijinx. Housework? Humpf...hardly!

How do we get it all together? Where do we put it? And how to keep it all together? I know there were more things on my counter last week, but I am not sure exactly what they were, or where I stashed them to be out of the way. I tried to harness the clutter in the name of hospitality, or maybe it was really sanity. Hard habit to break-the need for something resembling order...hard habit to start-the effort to restore order.


  1. Hersey hangover equals HAPPY (but then eventually hippy or even humongous). Heehee

  2. Clutter is the bane of my life - hard habit to break is right! You remember Charlie Brown's friend Pig Pen who always had that accompanying dirt cloud? I'm lime that only with a paper and random crap cloud!

  3. Clutter is the bane of my life - hard habit to break is right! You remember Charlie Brown's friend Pig Pen who always had that accompanying dirt cloud? I'm lime that only with a paper and random crap cloud!

  4. *giggles* I, too, have a nasty Hershey's hangover...and cadbury, nestle, and godiva hangover, too!!!! ;P

  5. Order is completely overrated. As for your of the dog, my friend!

  6. I have a musinex hangover. Now it is time to step away from the Hershey's

  7. Hershey's overhang???? what a way to go!!! Stopped in from the follow friday blog...looking forward to following ya! and I follow back!!

  8. I would not tolerate the ham holding the lime bars hostage!
