Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Random chirp

 Well that pretty much sums up this blog for the month of July!

Was I as busy as this friend?
Nope. Out looking for the BEST deals?
Not really. Perfecting my marshmallow roasting technique?

Well, yes, that was part of it. I also spent an embarrassing amount of time looking for a blog post I had written about making cookie cakes, only to find that there was not an actual post, but rather just a brief reference to the "ring of fire" experience. I was going to save this glorious photo for its very own post...
...but I think we all know how that goes, and how long the wait would be. Plus, in my quick glimpse through my phone photos, I saw plenty of others worthy of full discussions that we may or may not actually get to. Let's just say that when you put cookie dough on a pizza stone, it is a half batch-even if you tell yourself it doesn't look like quite enough...IT IS! 

I spent a couple of days at the beach...
...on the beach! Looking for treasures...
...finding the dead horseshoe crab apocalypse...
Got my usual dose of Cape Cod hydrangea envy...
...and in a completely unrelated story, I found out what can happen to a box of pasta if it travels to college and back before being cooked.
I never realized the frailty of rigatoni!

Regardless of whatever lame excuses I could make for not being here, (Did July even have Tuesdays? Please don't tell Foz if there were in fact Fridays.) I would like to come back.


  1. You busy little bee! Sounds like you used your summer wisely. Thirty years ago every hpuse I went to had at least one hydrangea somewhere, now I seldom see them. I really want some! As to the pasta, perhaps they used it as a percussion instrument in an impromptu jam session at some point.
    Visit me at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!

  2. You were here??? Wish I could've met up with you! Summer has gone by really fast but the weather has been the worst this year. I'm eager for fall.

  3. I hope you've had a great time with your kids this summer.....I would love to travel to the Cape one day! This will be the first time in almost 25 years (starting August 29th) that we won't have a child living in the house with us, so it's empty nest time! We had a respite last year because Shanley came home for her graduate school externship.

    Witty post as usual! I just saw you at the top of my blog roll....so happy to see you there!


  4. Cookie cakes? That caught my attention.


  5. sounds like an excellent summer so far....keep enjoying it. I'll be hanging around ready to read your blog (well...unless I am out floating in the pool!)

  6. You busy little bee! Sounds like you used your summer wisely. Thirty years ago every hpuse I went to had at least one hydrangea somewhere

