Monday, April 16, 2018

M is for...

Mr. Jones...Counting Crows, 1993

Trying to recapture part of the soundtrack from my life during the 90's is my theme for the a-z challenge this year

Was it mostly seventy degrees and sunny back in the nineties? Because so many of these songs find me driving around with the car windows down. And where was I always going? Some hits are just simply fun, and I believe this to be one of them.


  1. Of course I saw the title of your post and thought of 'Me & Mrs. Jones' by Billy Paul from the 70s. lol

  2. You know, following you along this journey is like a re-awakening. I had remembered 90s music as just a bunch of grunge. But I'm remembering a lot of great music from that decade!

  3. It must have been, cause I was just thinking the same thing. Or did we just not listen to music when it was cold and dreary?
