Sunday, July 20, 2014

Superhero Sunday - Green Thumb

Tending to tomato plants, not fortunate enough to be part of a typical garden, makes them feel special. can do it!


  1. Yay! Tomatoes are so good in the summer. My mouth waters just thinking about them!

  2. We have a tomato plant that is neither thriving nor dying.....the tomatoes that were on it aren't ripening at all and nothing new is growing either.

  3. I'm trying with all superhuman abilities to make things grow in my garden(s). But there's no sun! The trees are spectacular but they crap leaves and branches faster and more ferociously than a 90 year-old man with a fiber addiction. They also suck up all the nutrients and allow me no sun. It's frustrating. So anyone who can crow edible items in their garden is a superhero to me.

  4. Maybe the tomatoes need little capes??

  5. We have a garden for the first time this year and it is growing stuff like crazy! So far we've gotten green peppers, cucumbers and strawberries, but there is more to come soon. I don't think we planted tomatoes. And by "we" I obviously mean the hubs and kids. It's their thing. I just sit indoors and let them bring in to me the fruits of their labor. Or the pics on their phone of growing produce. Much more fun, that way!

  6. I have one planted in the ground and another one in a pot.

    Not pot. IN a pot. There's a difference. I think.

