What's my motivation?
Well, I've done it again, and signed up for yet another contest. And yes, as my son guessed, the prize is once again...a certificate. I am not going to clear a space on the fireplace mantel, as this one seems like a pretty big stretch. It is National Novel Editing Month (Nanoedmo), wherein participants attempt to do fifty hours of editing in the month of March. I am trying to work on my own literary "masterpiece", but offered to take a gander at our son's English assignment last night, as I already had a red pen in hand...my help was not needed. I actually haven't even printed my Nanowrimo certificate yet because I was super satisfied with the online flair that was available (or rather, bestowed upon me).
I set to pondering just how it is that I go about deciding which personal challenges to set for myself. I did work on organizing the house. I tried exercising...tried. I make some efforts to eat healthier, and supplemented my efforts with Frito-Lay chips. One trend I see is that I am more likely to steer away from projects that are ongoing. A one month endeavor is not so daunting as a lifetime of sorting the paperwork on my kitchen counter.
While I was wondering how I could somehow trick myself into wanting to embark on some slightly more productive tasks, I was distracted by something colorful. See that snazzy blog decor over to the left? Once I checked the website and saw that there were "badges" I could have, I signed up immediately. Maybe if someone could find some swell broom and dustpan clip-art, or a cool poorly dressed sweaty exercising mama gadget, that I could post on Facebook, I'd be more intrigued.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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