Day one: Within four steps of the hubs when he got home from work! Jogged back and forth in and out and around daughter's room while tucking her in that night to reach the target number for the day. Upon reaching that goal, daughter quietly reminded me that daddy had gone on the elliptical after dinner. Not that I was competing with him, but certainly was happier when we were even.
Day two: Forgot to put pedometer on until after most of the morning pacing, dog walking and getting folks moving was done.
Day three: Was at 1,000 steps before husband and daughter even got out of bed, then forgot pedometer on pajama bottoms.
Day four: Convinced my jeans were too high-waisted (and obviously way too attractive) for the count to be accurate.
Let's just stop here, as I am sure your can see what kind of trend I had going on. I am sure there is a learning curve, and I am bound to eventually navigate it safely.
Yesterday we finally had a two-hour delay for school due to the snowfall, then today it was nearly sixty degrees out. This made it perfect weather to be outside, even if the amount of snow left was dwindling.
Why was I surprised when I looked in the candy bowl last night?
Every least this time I did not buy the kind with the toxic blue. I did find the Spanish ones intriguing though.
Sometimes I feel like I am not commanding the respect I deserve, especially when the commercial on tv just told me to respect the Capri-sun pouch. I can't be less worthy than a lunch box drink. Maybe there is just some confusion about the true meaning of respect, as now look where it should be directed...
Don't be an ass, respect your toilet paper...I mean really, look at all of the crap it puts up with. I am so glad to see that the roll cover was designed with respect, as I can't imagine how else one would approach the task. Certainly not with a cheeky attitude!
I could go cross "blog" off my to-do list now. However, next to that list is the list of blog topics that I thought I might like to write about...of which, I have done none. I guess if that is still sitting there next week, I should just roll it right on into the random.
Thanks to Stacy for hosting the random party every helps me keep track of what day it is...for one day!
I could go cross "blog" off my to-do list now. However, next to that list is the list of blog topics that I thought I might like to write about...of which, I have done none. I guess if that is still sitting there next week, I should just roll it right on into the random.
Thanks to Stacy for hosting the random party every helps me keep track of what day it is...for one day!